The Payment reconciliation report, can be found under the Finance menu and lists all payments taken for each Payment type for a period of 7 days from the searched for date.
The report will automatically display data for that day, although it's possible to search any date by clicking the Calendar icon to select. It displays data for a 24 hour period from 00.00 hours, although you can create you own Cut Off Time, by simply clicking the Clock icon and choosing from the drop down list.
The total value of payments taken each day are displayed at the bottom of the report and you can view the payments taken for each day in more detail, by clicking the blue Link icon next to the date header.
The daily report, lists the payments against the corresponding booking/lead guest name, the payment type, payment purpose, amount, staff ID of payment (or Web for online payments) and date/time the payment was made/recorded. For any Caterpay transactions, the transaction reference will also be recorded. Individual booking records can be opened by clicking the blue Link icon next to the booking reference number.
The order of the report can be changed by clicking the various headers, to display in order of the oldest/newest Booking, Payment type in alphabetical order, Amount lowest to highest/highest to lowest, Source in grouped alphabetical order, Date/time newest to oldest/oldest to newest.
You can also search for a specific booking or transaction reference using the search fields towards the top of the report. It's also possible to jump to the previous/next day's data using the scroll arrows in the top right-hand corner.