advise that you should always validate a guest's payment card on receiving notification of a new reservation from them.
If a guest's tokenised payment card is either charged or verified via Caterpay and fails, you have the option to report the invalid card to directly from within Caterbook until midnight on the day of check in. (The status of the booking must also be either 'To arrive' or 'Checked in'.)
The guest will then receive an email or SMS from, advising them that they need to update their card details within a certain timeframe, or the property may cancel the reservation.
If the guest does update their card details, then these will be sent through to Caterbook. You'll see a second 'Caterpay - Tokenise' entry in the booking record, which you can then attempt to verify or charge. (This replaces any previous token that hasn't yet been verified or charged.)
Please note also that this workflow is not applicable with tokenised Virtual Cards.