In a group booking (i.e. a single reservation, but with multiple rooms) you can use the Bulk edit feature to change the arrival and departure dates of every room in the booking, providing the following conditions are met:
- The booking status is "Confirmed";
- The booking is NOT an OTA booking;
- All of the rooms within the booking share the same arrival and departure dates;
- No rooms in the booking have been locked on the calendar;
- None of the rooms are linked to an invoice.
From the booking record, if the booking meets the criteria you will see the green "Bulk edit" button. In the example here, we have three Doubles and one Twin room arriving 23rd November.
Clicking the button will pop up a screen where you can enter your new dates and check the availability.
For maximum flexibility, in the above example it's important to understand that the search will check "are there any three Doubles and any one Twin rooms free on the future dates", NOT are the same physical Rooms 6, 5, 7 and 9 free on the future dates.
By default, the booking duration will be retained when searching a new Arrival date, but by then changing the departure date you could look to extend, or reduce the booking duration.
You can see that if we wanted to move the arrival date back by 8 days to 1st December, firstly, the rooms are all £10 more expensive on that date. The booking will be updated with the new price, but here you could edit the price of one or more rooms, and reduce them if you wanted to retain the original price.
The second thing to notice is that one of the original Double rooms, Room 6, is occupied during the period we are trying to update. However, the bulk edit feature is able to see that a different Double, Room 4, is free and so the move is allowed.