Every function event is unique. We have designed our Events and Function module to be open and flexible, so that you can work in the way you want and not be constrained by what the software allows.
On activating the module in your account, two new Extras categories will have been created automatically; 'Functions - Items' and 'Functions - Catering'. The extras you will create under these categories are not available for regular hotel room bookings.
At their simplest, Function - Items are just like hotel room extras. For example, if you have a projector and screen for business meetings, that might be included or you might charge a hire fee for it.
In our article on configuring the Function rooms, you wil have seen that you can define a suggested price for room hire, but you don't need to use that when creating the function.
Some events like weddings may have a package price or a number of tiered package options depending on the type of event, which includes the room hire element, plus some other add-ons. In these cases you can create Function Items for different wedding packages - again with a suggested price which can be over ridden.
As with regular Extras, go to Pricing / Extras from the menu.
Click to Add new item, enter an Item name and select 'Functions - Items' as the Category. We would suggest selecting 'Functions' as the Cost centre for reporting. Enter a Price, and in most cases you will select Item type as 'Other'.
Note that the charge type for Functions extras is always is Each, even for Catering extras. Why? Because 'per person' would always be tied to the number of attendees, and for a wedding event, there may be a fixed number at the ceremony and meal, with a different and more approximate figure for the evening.
For any Functions - Catering items, you might wish to take a view as to which cost centre those are reported out under. Similarly, the special Item types of 'Dinner' and 'Breakfast' (eg for Business breakfast events) would result in these being reported out on the dashboard and this may not be appropriate for your Functions catering in all cases.
By having the ability to override the suggested price, you can mix and match the things that you offer, for example providing a different dessert from the more expensive menu, and adding on £2 per head to the middle menu option.