File store
From the Rooms tab of the function, each room has a file store which can be accessed by clicking the paperclip icon. Grey indicates no files have been uploaded, black indicates one or more files are present.
If there are multiple rooms you might choose to only use one filestore for all documents, but where there are room specific assets it can be useful to associate seating plans etc with the room that they relate to.
Enter a File description, then click Choose File, you can then browse your PC for the items you wish to store. Clicking Add will then save the file to the room's file store.
Once a file is present, you can click to download it for viewing using the icon highlighted in green, or delete it using the familiar dustbin icon.
For each room in the function, you can create and print an itinerary for staff to be aware of any running order and timings for that room. As with the File store, the icon is grey initially, and black when there is information present.
By default the same image that is used for invoices will be displayed at the top of the Itinerary.
To add additional rows, right click in the first default data row and select Row > Insert row after as many times as you need.
Once you have added additional rows you can enter data as requried and Save / Print.