From the Booking / New function menu:
On the '1. Details' tab, add an Event name, Status, First name and Last name of the organiser, click the yellow 'Next >' button.
Then on the '2. Rooms' tab, select your Room, and the Date. The screen will update to show the availability of this function room with the possible three sessions, Morning, Afternoon and Evening, either showing as light purple (available) or darker purple (booked).
In our example here, the morning session already has something going on, but we are wanting to use this space in the evening, and that session is showing as available.
So, we can tick 'Evening', choose our Room configuration, the number of Attendees, the Start time and End time for this event and any room hire Price, then click the blue 'Add to function' button.
(From here, either now or at a later time, we can use the green 'Link bookings' button to associate this function with any accommodation room bookings.)
As we move to the '3. Extras' tab, here you can add any individual Items or packages you may have configured and adjust pricing accordingly, and also select from any Catering options that you have set up. Again, there will be a suggested price but you can over ride this, alowing you to tailor each individual function to the booker's requirements.
After the Extras have been added, you can either Print or Email the '4. Summary' tab using the built-in, pre-formatted email template. This can be edited before sending:
Then on the '5. Finance' tab, you can use Caterpay to store or charge a card, or record a payment made elsewhere, and create an invoice in the same way as for regular hotel room bookings.
The confirmed function will available under the Booking search screen, and will also display on the calendar along with any other functions that day. To view a function, you can hover the mouse over the cell for that date, and then in the small pop up, click the name of the function you want to manage.