It's possible to begin securely storing card details within your Caterbook account, which can then be accessed once your Caterpay MID is set live.
Adding card details when making a new booking.
Once you've selected your room(s), added guest details and any booked extras, go to step 4, and from the Payment type dropdown, select 'Caterpay - Tokenise'. Click the blue Book button.
On the next screen, enter the card details and click the Submit button to save.
Once the details have been saved, a Caterpay - Tokenise entry will appear on the Finance tab of the booking record, which can be verified or rebilled through Caterpay once your MID is live.
Adding card details to an existing booking.
To store card details against an existing booking, go to the Finance tab of the booking record. Click the option to Add new payment.
On the next screen, select Caterpay - Tokenise from the Type dropdown. Click Save, then add any card details on the next Caterpay gateway screen.