Log in to your Caterpay Merchant Management System (MMS) from here https://mms.caterbook.net/.
Once logged in, from the Transactions tab, enter your search dates, then click Filter Transactions.
Note: you may have more than one active MID linked to your Caterpay account. To view transactions processed via those different MIDs, go to the Merchant Accounts tab and click to View a MID. Then continue on the Transactions tab as described above.
From the returned transactions list, you can check for a customer's name, email address (if provided) and payment amount, and also see whether the transaction Type was an ECOM (website or emailed payment link), or MOTO (over the phone, or processed within the booking record in Caterbook) payment.
You can click to View the transaction receipt from the Details column on the far right of any transaction. This section will also show you any further customer details that may have been made available, such as an address and phone number.
Each transaction has both a 'Cross Reference' and a 'Unique Reference', and these can be used to cross reference against payments recorded in Caterbook that are already tied to existing bookings.
In your Caterbook account, from Finance > Payment reconciliation, search for, and then click on, the date in question. Caterpay transactions will be listed with both a 'TRANSACTION REF' and a 'UNIQUE REF'.
Occasionally, a payment can be successfully processed via Caterpay, but does not get posted back to Caterbook. Very rarely, a booking record isn't created at all. In either instance, a manual entry of the payment and/or booking will need to be added by you in your Caterbook account.